, pub-3959764075335674, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jesus Daily Quotes: #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusquotes Godquotes JesusChrist faithinJesus
Showing posts with label #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusquotes Godquotes JesusChrist faithinJesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusquotes Godquotes JesusChrist faithinJesus. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2023

We are starting from Scratch! #Jesusdailyquotes

Yes dear friends.. I have moved my website to blogger and hope in here everything is all good and safe. I know after building this website from wordpress took a lot of my time and effort, but don't worry, God shall restore whatever we have lost a hundredfold all for His glory! Many more blessings, revelations, ideas and concepts of this website is brewing and with God on our side ALL IS WELL! Thank you for continuing to support our page. Pls help to share this post and let us welcome everybody in here! God bless and SHALOM...SHALOM...SHALOMMM...

Walking in the Spirit – A Life of True Freedom

Walking in the Spirit – A Life of True Freedom “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” – Galatians 5:25 Many peo...