, pub-3959764075335674, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jesus Daily Quotes: Bible Stories with Deeper Meanings... (Animation)
Showing posts with label Bible Stories with Deeper Meanings... (Animation). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Stories with Deeper Meanings... (Animation). Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Bible Stories with Deeper Meanings... (Animation)

Bible Stories with Deeper Meanings... (Animation)

Have you ever wondered why Jesus told his disciples to buy swords before his arrest? Have you ever considered the significance of the horde of pigs Jesus cast the demons into? Or have you ever asked why John 20:7 is even in the bible? Over the last 12 months I've come across a few theories about well-known passages involving Jesus that I had trouble believing. I was certain they couldn't be true but after studying the passages in question I was absolutely blown away. Sub Count: 8,749 #animation #bible #jesus #biblestories #newtestament #god #cartoon #canon #biblicalcanon #bibleverse #prophecy #prophetmuhammad #discipleship #demonslayer #demons #pigs #camel #jerusalem #oldtestament #bibleanimation #temptation #wilderness #matthew #mark #luke #john #gospel #paul #epistle #catholic #protestant

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