, pub-3959764075335674, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jesus Daily Quotes: PRAYER TO BEGIN AGAIN
Showing posts with label PRAYER TO BEGIN AGAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRAYER TO BEGIN AGAIN. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


I am praying with you, and whoever you are that needs this prayer today.

And let me assure you, that you have Jesus at your back.

Just keep talking to Him and He will never leave you nor ignore you.

He is always listening. Thank You, Holy Spirit for being with us all the time.

Although, we may not feel you, but as Jesus has promised in the Bible,

He didn't leave us orphans here on earth. Oh Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us.

Please restore and comfort us,

Especially our dear brothers and sisters who are weak emotionaly, spiritualy and physically with all the 

challenges in life. 

Thank You for always protecting us from all evils in this world.

Lead us always to use our lives, to magnify Jesus and advance His kingdom here on earth. 

 This we pray in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!


Dear God,

I'm tired. So I come before You today to ask for strength. 

I've been knocked down in life and this time around, 

it feels like I can't keep going. 

So, Father, I need you.

Please be my strength when I'm weak and weary.

When I feel defeated, please remind me that I am more than a conqueror. 

Fill me with your spirit and help me to get back up again.

Renew my hope in You and help me trust in Your process. 

Lift me out of this dark pit into which I've fallen. 

Take my hand, Lord, and help me to begin again.

Thank you for always been close to me In Jesus name, I pray,

Source: The Graceful Chapter


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